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Sauna Therapy

Clinical Trial Research

Clinical Trial Participation

Sauna Therapy is an advocate for the research and development of new treatment options that could help to increase your health and wellness. 

clinical trial research

Learn About Participating in a Clinical Trial

Clinical Trial Participation is a great way to understand new developments for medication, medical devices or treatment for specific indications like MDD, PTSD, ADHD,  Bipolar and Schizophrenia. 

Research for Mental Health Treatment

If you're currently using a medication and do not feel like it is actively working for you, a clinical trial could be a great way to find new treatment options for little to no cost.

Clinical Trial Participation

If you're looking for services to help with the payment options for mental health treatment, speak with your physician about potential clinical trial treatment options.

Ask Your Physician

Ask your physician about options for clinical trials or why you may be medication resistant to your current mental health prescriptions.

Understanding Psychoneuroimmunology & The Science of Chronic Stress
Gain a Deeper Understanding of The Science of Chronic Stress

Learning from the Past and Stepping Towards the Future of Modern Treatment

After decades of misunderstanding, psychedelics are, once again, being researched for their enormous potential to heal anxiety, depression, distress and addictions. Ketamine assisted psychotherapy is finding scientific credibility and recognition amongst the treatment and research community. Sauna Therapy stays up-to-date on the best research-backed methodologies for treating mental health conditions, and believes in harnessing the leading tip of the psychedelic wave, including the use of MDMA, psilocybin, ibogaine and other medications as they become licensed.

KAP (Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy)

Speak with your physician about enrolling in Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy and Treatment.

**Paige Swanson is currently being trained to undergo KAP psychotherapy but does not offer this service to the public at the time. Please inquire more about clinical trial research participation and speak to Paige about KAP once fully trained and licensed to do so.

What is KAP?

Ketamine assisted psychotherapy combines the unique therapeutic capabilities of Ketamine treatment with an integrated psychotherapy program to address not only the symptoms of anxiety and depression but also the negative thought patterns, traumas, habits, and chemical pathways our brains develop to cope with our histories and symptoms. By combining two dynamic, evidence-based tools. Ketamine treatment and psychotherapy. Ketamine assisted psychotherapy provides both rapid and effective relief from symptoms and the long-term healing gained from greater self-knowledge, emotional growth, and neural rebalance. 

Integration at Sauna Therapy

Sauna Therapy is a bio-psycho-social-spiritual approach that harnesses the unique psychedelic qualities of Ketamine to promote personal growth and long-term healing. As a result, we have carefully designed our spaces to promote a feeling of safety and comfort, which is an essential foundation to the self work, exploration, and integration you will experience during your therapeutic journey.

Who Should Use KAP?

Most psychological interventions and addiction treatments, whether they are medication-assisted or not, have the following four goals: - To stop use, - eliminate withdrawal, - eliminate cravings, and, if people do use opioids and methamphetamines, block the ability to get high.

Ask Your Physician About Medical Marijuana

Marijuana-assisted psychotherapy in the State of Texas can be accomplished through The Texas Compassion Act which allows physicians to prescribe medical marijuana to individuals with elected conditions: 

  • All forms of epilepsy and other seizure disorders 
  • Autism and other spectrum disorders
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
  • Spasticity 
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) 
  • Terminal Cancer 
  • All Cancer (Starting September 1, 2021)
  • Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias
  • Parkinson’s Disease 
  • Alzheimer’s and Dementia 
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 
  • Huntington’s Disease 
  • Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE)

If you’re interested in understanding how to use marijuana to help with chronic pain and have one of the following conditions, please speak to your physician about how it could help your current treatment. 

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